• 12-10 HSF: As the end of the fall semester draws near, we will take our annual holiday hiatus until the new year. We will return, hopefully, with an updated theme and some other fixes. I will continue assimilating HardcorePunkMisc into this website and improve what we do here. See you in 2013, where we will draw near our fifth (!) anniversary.

  • 10-29 HSF: Things will be slower here until the end of the year. My teaching schedule and general responsibilities on campus keep me really occupied right now. Flyers will only be posted on select days of the week until the end of 2012. In January, things should go back to normal. Thanks for your patience.

  • 7-9 WPW: The first podcast of my published works is now online. A link can be found on the weblog.

  • 6-28 HSF: As we head towards the fifth (!) anniversary of this website, I need to announce that, as of July 1st, we will be merging Hardcore Punk Misc with this website. To make a long story short, it will be a lot easier for me to maintain one solid archive. Content from there will be moved over here as the summer progresses.

  • 5-7 HSF: We will be having our annual spring hiatus while I focus on the end of my teaching semester and then take some time off. Normal posting will resume on May 21st.

  • 4-29 WPW: I have some observations from the school year posted over on the weblog.

  • 3-12 WPW: My annual Books Read post is now on the weblog.

  • 1-16 WPW: I have a new post up on Blogging Woolf.

  • 1-9 WPW: I have a book review in the College English Association’s new journal issue. I review the new anthology Teaching Literature and Language Online. A link can be found on the weblog.