12-15 HSF: We are currently caught up on 2018 flyers. Please send in more to continue archiving the current hardcore scene.
10-11 HSF: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1998 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 2008 is up next.
9-24 HSF: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1988 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 1998 is up next.
5-7 HSF: The combination of finals week, end of year responsibilities, and moving will slow things down here for the next week or so. Thank you for your patience.
2-6 HSF: All 1978 flyers are now posted.
1-28 HSF: Here is a fantastic blog post about HSF.
1-2 WPW: I have posted my notes from THATCamp Community College 2017 over on the weblog.
1-1 WPW: My annual Books Read post is now online.