- Serena Williams and the fear of black dominant athletes.
- The Web We Have To Save.
- Ellen Pao on Reddit and internet trolls.
- Barrett Brown is now writing from prison for First Look.
- Audrey Watters on the web we need to give to students.
- The New Republic on Shirley Jackson.
- Adeline Koh on getting started in activist digital humanities.
- Is it time to kill The Killing Joke?
- Megan Condis on Gamergate.
- If Julian of Norwich were your professor.
Worth Reading Recently
- Chelsea Manning on media freedom.
- Ian Bogost on my favorite Star Trek episode Darmok.
- The Nation's interview with Edward Snowden.
- Leigh Alexander on Twin Peaks and the recent Law & Order SVU episode about Gamergate.
- The Challenge of Teaching At A Community College.
- Soccer Gods on the fall of Nottingham Forest.
- Guardian on Stevie Smith.
- The Geek Agenda on Sansa Stark.
- Jill Walker Rettberg on teaching BASIC in 2015.
- The Intercept on encrypting your laptop.
ThatCamp Philadelphia 2014: Social Media In The Classroom
- Lists of accounts to follow for each classmate
Many of my students seem to be locking their accounts after events of this summer like #yesallwomen, #gamergate, Gaza, Ferguson, etc
Adeline Koh does a Twitter role play assignment
How to set limits on contact
I think giving students options for how to contact you where they are comfortable is important