Planet Of Evil

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I recently watched the newly released Forth Doctor adventure, Planet Of Evil.  I am always happy to view another serial with The Forth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith, but this serial was not that impressive.  There is a lot of filler and a very boring villain with really cheesy, even for Doctor Who, special effects. 

Destiny Of The Daleks

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I recently viewed the newly released Destiny Of The Daleks DVD.  This serial serves as a sequel to perhaps the finest Doctor Who serial, Genesis Of The Daleks.  The serial begins with Romana freshly regenerating into Romana II, played by the stunning Lalla Ward.  The playful relationship between The Doctor and Romana II gets off to a great start here, including the matching (but pink, ugh) outfit Romana picks out to match The Forth Doctor's trademark outfit. 

Overall the story is pretty sold-The Daleks return to Skaro in an attempt to find their leader Davros.  There is a humorous reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide To Galaxy when The Forth Doctor is seen reading The Origins Of The Universe

The best part of this serial is Romana II and The Forth Doctor playing rock/paper/scissor to try to teach the Movellan a lesson about endless war.  By far, however, the highlight of this DVD is the bonus Prime Computer ads starring Lalla Ward and Tom Baker, which includes this totally adorable one parodying their recent marriage. 

Overall, not the best adventure for The Forth Doctor, however very significant because my favorite companion is introduced.  It is hard to go wrong with Daleks as well, although the Movellans are pretty bland. 



This week I have been watching the BBC series Hex.  After hearing that Hex was supposed to be the BBC's answer to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but also hearing elsewhere it was "like Charmed, but worse" I figured I would check it out. 

While not quite as bad as Charmed, Hex is very, let's say, derivative of a few shows.  My biggest problem with this show is how overly dramatic it is.  The melodrama is very high and the "humor" is not funny.  Also, the protagonist is an idiot.  She makes painfully obvious mistakes that even Buffy Summers on her worse day, and there were plenty of those one could argue, would never even conceive of making. 

I will finish it up later tonight, but I am not that impressed. 

The Ribos Operation

This week's episodic DVD was the Forth Doctor adventure, and debut of Romana, in The Ribos Operation.  This is also the first serial in the series that took up the entire season. 

I've never seen the Key To Time series before so I watched this closely.  Romana's debut was well done.  In general I prefer Romana II, but Mary Tamm is great as well. 
