Wrasslin' 2022

My final sheet for 2022 is now online.


I was on the CULTURE podcast again last night discussing the build up to last night ep of Dynamite. Topics include…

  • WWE's movies have really bad network drama style acting

  • Keeping AEW and other territories fresh by rotating wrestlers in and out

  • The most recent Impact PPV.

  • Defy doing streaming with Pluto TV.

  • AEW's Dark Elevation show doing early 1990s WCW style six person tags.

  • AEW Dark Elevation having wrestlers from New Japan and DDT this week. Also how they keep the crowd from knowing who is wrestling to get big reactions for those shows.

  • DC indie wrestling

  • Triplemania this weekend


I was on the CULTURE! podcast this week discussing AEW, Jon Moxley's return, how territory wrestling in the eighties worked so much better than what WWE does now, 90s Joshi wrestling, and a bit about "the forbidden door."

You can listen to it here.