Melissa Gira Grant on stochastic terrorism for The New Republic.
Anthony Pappalardo on trans women in skateboarding.
To celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Apple II, Benj Edwards interviewed Steve Wozniak.
Liza Featherstone on working class suffragettes for Jacobin.
Worth Reading
- Nina Illingworth on the homophobic "humor" of liberalism.
- Jeremy Parish's great series about Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
- Luke Savage on how liberals fell in love with the horrific show The West Wing.
- R.L. Stephens on Ta Nehisi Coates.
- Jessica Wilkerson on the Appalachia.
- Amber A'Lee Frost on current leftist protests.
- Anthony Pappalardo on the youth crew aesthetic.
- Jessa Crispin on identity and amnesia.
- Angela Nagle on The Handmaid's Tale.
- Miya Tokumitsu on the vast control employers have over the lives of employees.
Weekly Reader
Luke Savage on how liberals fell in love with The West Wing.
Jessa Crispin on our collective memory loss.
Angela Nagle on the absolutely awful television adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale.
Anthony Pappalardo on the youth crew aesthetic.
Amber Al’Lee Frost on leftist protests.