Episode 78: Game Rankings Volume Five

Another game rankings episode: This episode covers Sim City 2000, Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, Duck Tales II, Legacy Of The Wizard, and Castlevania Chronicles.

This episode is coming out slightly out of order, so bear with me in that regards. I ended up moving some episodes around after the recording session this was a part of last month.

Instead of a Patreon, consider donating to our Extra Life charity drive. We are raising money for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We raised $335 in 2019. So far in 2020 we have raised $420.

On Thursday nights around 7pm I stream old and new games until around 9pm. On Sunday nights I also stream around 9pm until I feel like stopping. Check out my Twitch page for more information and a tentative schedule.

We are also on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

You can view our game ranking list here.

Another game rankings episode: This episode covers Sim City 2000, Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, Duck Tales II, Legacy Of The Wizard, and Castlevania Chronicles. This episode is coming out slightly out of order, so bear with me in that regards.

Episode XXXVII: Duck Tales II

Duck Tales II is a good, not great, followup to the incredible Duck Tales. I had never played it before the Disney Afternoon Collection came out! Join me for a brief discussion of the game. 

On Monday I will be streaming Halo III (which I have never played before!) and Wednesday I will be streaming Super Castlevania IV at 8pm on Twitch. On Tuesday and Thursday I will also be streaming a TBD game at 6pm. You can find a schedule for upcoming streams on our website. Our May schedule will be up in a few days plus a big announcement about our summer streaming schedule. 

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.