Episode 69: Phantasy Star III

In our nicest episode yet, it's time to discuss Phantasy Star III, a problematic game that is super ambitious but doesn't really hold up to it's lofty ambitions.

Instead of a Patreon, consider donating to our Extra Life charity drive. We are raising money for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We raised $335 in 2019. So far in 2020 we have raised $105.

On Thursday nights around 7pm I stream old and new games until around 9pm. Check out my Twitch page for more information and a tentative schedule.

We are also on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

You can view our game ranking list here.

In our nicest episode yet, it's time to discuss Phantasy Star III, a problematic game that is super ambitious but doesn't really hold up to it's lofty ambitions. Instead of a Patreon, consider donating to our Extra Life charity drive. We are raising money for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Episode XXXIX: Best Town Themes Mix Tape

Thank you for your patience while I was moving and dealing with the end of the school year. We are back with our first mix tape in awhile. This one covers some of my favorite town themes from RPGs. Games covered include Final Fantasy Origins, Earthbound, Sword Of Vermillion, Sim City, and Phantasy Star III. Our intro music comes Shining Force. 

I am streaming Monday-Thursday on Twitch. Monday nights is New Game Night. I am currently streaming Lost Sphear around 8pm. Tuesdays I am streaming Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom around 7pm. Wednesday is a retro game of my choice around 8pm. Thursday is Final Fantasy IX around 7pm. 

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.

Episode XXIX: The Sega Genesis & Christmas 1992

It turns out I don't have quite as profound a set of memories of getting a Sega Genesis as I did a Super Nintendo, but it was still a pretty neat day due to some inquisitive purchasing choices by my mother. This episode discusses Christmas Day 1992 and what I loved, and hated, about the Genesis. 

There is also some discussion of our plans for 2018. 

Games Discussed: 

  • Strider

  • Sonic The Hedgehog

  • Madden 1993

  • Phantasy Star III

  • NHL 94