- Chelsea Manning on media freedom.
- Ian Bogost on my favorite Star Trek episode Darmok.
- The Nation's interview with Edward Snowden.
- Leigh Alexander on Twin Peaks and the recent Law & Order SVU episode about Gamergate.
- The Challenge of Teaching At A Community College.
- Soccer Gods on the fall of Nottingham Forest.
- Guardian on Stevie Smith.
- The Geek Agenda on Sansa Stark.
- Jill Walker Rettberg on teaching BASIC in 2015.
- The Intercept on encrypting your laptop.
Amy Goodman
One of the few voices in the news media I feel like I can trust is Amy Goodman. I really enjoy listening to Democracy Now!’s daily podcast. Goodman has a very diverse group of people on the show and tackles news that mainstream and so-called corporate “liberal” media outlets won’t go near. Here are a few interviews with Goodman I have read recently: One from November that Working For Change did and another from 2005 that The Nation did.
Where Are The Jocks For Justice?
The Nation has an interesting article up about the lack of progressive athletes in America today. The article focuses on NBA player Adonal Foyle's website Democracy Matters and goes on from there.