I continue going through Neutopia.
Giraffe Feels Podcast Stream#241: Neutopia Part Three
We continue playing through Neutopia! This is a really fun game.
Episode 74: Castlevania Mix Tape Volume Two
In our second Castlevania mix tape, we take a look at the sounds of the 16 bit era. This is an exceptional series with amazing soundtracks!
It looks like a lot of Castlevania soundtracks reissued in recent years are out of print again
Instead of a Patreon, consider donating to our Extra Life charity drive. We are raising money for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We raised $335 in 2019. So far in 2020 we have raised $311.
On Thursday nights around 7pm I stream old and new games until around 9pm. On Sunday nights I also stream around 9pm. Check out my Twitch page for more information and a tentative schedule.
We are also on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.
Episode VII: 16 Bit Stage Themes
When I first started doing research (by playing video games!) for this podcast, "great stage themes!" was a note I wrote down over and over. This episode explores some of my favorites of the 16 bit era.
Games Discussed:
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Final Fantasy IV
Super Ghouls N Ghosts
Sword of Vermillion
Super Mario World