Episode XL: Castlevania Chronicles

Castlevania Chronicles is a game you do not hear a lot about in this series, but it has some nice homages to previous games and a fantastic soundtrack. This episode also has some initial thoughts about Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon.

I am streaming Monday-Thursday on Twitch. Monday nights is New Game Night. I am currently streaming Lost Sphear around 8pm. Tuesdays I am streaming Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom around 7pm. Wednesday is a retro game of my choice around 8pm. Thursday is Final Fantasy IX around 7pm.

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast. We recently updated our rewards page. 

Episode XXXIX: Best Town Themes Mix Tape

Thank you for your patience while I was moving and dealing with the end of the school year. We are back with our first mix tape in awhile. This one covers some of my favorite town themes from RPGs. Games covered include Final Fantasy Origins, Earthbound, Sword Of Vermillion, Sim City, and Phantasy Star III. Our intro music comes Shining Force. 

I am streaming Monday-Thursday on Twitch. Monday nights is New Game Night. I am currently streaming Lost Sphear around 8pm. Tuesdays I am streaming Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom around 7pm. Wednesday is a retro game of my choice around 8pm. Thursday is Final Fantasy IX around 7pm. 

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.

Giraffe Feels Podcast Stream #2: Jackal

This was the test recording I made when I first got my capture card back in the winter. I had been thinking of doing a podcast episode about Jackal, so I thought I would play it for a bit and record the audio/video to practice working with the software. We will do a proper stream and podcast about this game soon.

We stream over on Twitch Monday-Thursday. Right now Monday is Lost Sphear, Tuesday is Phantasy Star III, Wednesday is a retro game of our choice, and Thursday is Final Fantasy IX. You can check that out here: https://www.twitch.tv/giraffefeelspod

Giraffe Feels is primarily a retro gaming podcast. We do podcasts 2-3 times a month. You can check that out here: http://giraffefeels.net We also have a Patreon. You can check that out here: https://www.patreon.com/giraffefeelspod

Episode XXXVIII: Legacy Of The Wizard

I had not thought about Legacy Of The Wizard for a really long time until a recent Retronauts episode discussed it. I know some people who are very high on this game, but, after giving it a shot again, I am not one of them. At the same time, let's also discuss why Legacy Of The Wizard is an important step for Metroidvania games. 

Wednesday I will be streaming Super Castlevania IV at 8pm on Twitch. On Tuesday and Thursday I will also be streaming a TBD game at 6pm, although Tuesday I may not make it home from a trip in time to do so. You can find a schedule for upcoming streams on our website. Our May schedule will be up in a few days plus a big announcement about our summer streaming schedule.

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.

Episode XXXVII: Duck Tales II

Duck Tales II is a good, not great, followup to the incredible Duck Tales. I had never played it before the Disney Afternoon Collection came out! Join me for a brief discussion of the game. 

On Monday I will be streaming Halo III (which I have never played before!) and Wednesday I will be streaming Super Castlevania IV at 8pm on Twitch. On Tuesday and Thursday I will also be streaming a TBD game at 6pm. You can find a schedule for upcoming streams on our website. Our May schedule will be up in a few days plus a big announcement about our summer streaming schedule. 

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.

Episode XXXVI: A Link To The Past

We're back! A Link To The Past was an incredible return to form for the Zelda series and perhaps the best game in the series? Let's talk about that and other issues in the 36th episode of our podcast! 

The background music for this episode’s mailbag is from Mega Man IV. The break music is from Super Castlevania.

Next Monday I will be streaming Gauntlet Slayer Edition and Next Wednesday I will be streaming River City Ransom at 8pm on Twitch. You can find a schedule for upcoming streams on our website.

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.

Episode XXXV: Sim City 2000

Our “500 Words About” series continues with a discussion of Sim City 2000, the busy nature of modern simulation games, the tyranny of choice, and why I love Sim City on the Super Nintendo.

Next Monday I will be streaming Super Mega Baseball and Next Wednesday I will be streaming Castlevania: Dracula X at 8pm on Twitch. You can find a schedule for upcoming streams on our website.

We are also on iTunesGoogle Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.

Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast.