I am going to try out a new feature. Lately, I have been listening to a lot of podcasts. Each week I will post a “best of” from what I have checked out the previous week, similar to my weekend reading posts.
So, week one:
Net At Nite interviews Jimmy Wales from Wikipedia.
Something I Learned Today just started podcasting. Their first podcast focused on Boston hardcore. A second podcast is also online.
All Go No Slow! recently did a full set of anti Ronald Reagan songs. It is quite refreshing, in the age of “conservative punks” and the rightward dive a lot of the hardcore scene seems to be heading towards, to see someone do a great set like this. Sadly, I bet the current generation of ragers don’t even know about a lot of the fucked up shit that went on in the eighties. If you asked them what Oi Polloi’s Hands Off Nicaragua was about, they’d probably have no idea.
To celebrate Henry Rollins’ birthday (46!), Harmony In My Head did a set filled with a lot of old hardcore songs and other cool stuff.
The other day, I caught up on the HIMH broadcast from early August also. Henry spends the first hour playing and discussing the music of Miles Davis. An hour of Miles Davis: it doesn’t get much better than that.