ThatCamp Philadelphia: DHThis A Thon

Over Twitter the morning of ThatCamp Philadelphia, John Theibault and I decided to propose a session on Adeline Koh and Roopika Risam's new project DHThis, which is an aggregation website with Reddit/Digg style commenting and up/down voting. DHThis is a promising project that I think can be useful to introduce people to the digital humanities.

As I worked the computer while John did much of the explaining to campers in the room, I do not really have notes for this session. A handful of campers attended this session and we had a great discussion of not only DHThis, but web apps like this in general.


After this post, I will be taking my yearly holiday hiatus. Our semester is winding down right now as papers and projects slowly trickle in to be graded. See you early in 2014 when the rest of my notes from conferences attended in the fall and summer will be posted and I will have some thrilling announcements about upcoming publications.