An interesting session I attended at ThatCamp Digitial Pedagogy was about digital story telling...
• Hyperlink allows readers to make connections authors did not realize
• Collaborative narrative hypertext for classes
• How do we demystify DH for our own publications
• How mobile friendly is your document?
• What about accessibility?
• Twitter cosplay of characters in the classroom
• Storify could help with digital storytelling
• A few of us brought up hypertext fiction like The Unknown
• If you summarize what happens in a hypertext you will get many different answers
• Mentions of IFTTT and Yap
ThatCamp Philadelphia: Podcasting In The Classroom
I ran a session on podcasting in the classroom at this year's ThatCamp Philadelphia. Because I ran the session, I did not take a ton of notes. Hopefully someone else posts more notes from the session.
- Audacity is the go to for open source audio.
- How do you send it back to students?
- What about accessibility issues?
- An idea to include a general message to class before each comment.
- Students seem to be fascinated by how they stand versus other students and classes on average.
- Could audio comments push comments to sound more positive/productive?
- Question in room about how much students will “hear” in audio comments.
- Question about what is a good open source and/or Linux friendly app for audio transcription.
- We are discussing my oral recitation project.
- Oral recitation project as an opening for students to begin having professional presence online.
- Could record discussions/debates/symposiums and have students relisten and then do reflective essay or answer a set of questions.
If you are interested in making your site or blog easier to use for the handicapped check out Dive Into Accessibility.