In our second Final Fantasy IX stream, we continue through the early parts of the game.
Giraffe Feels Podcast Stream #23: Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen Part Six
In our sixth DD: DA stream, we try to defeat the Gazer in Bitterblack Isle before heading back to the mainland where we pick up an amazing pawn I use to this very day. We then complete a quest in Cassardis before traveling to our next one.
THATCamp Community College 2017: Accessibility & Design Issues In Distance Learning Courses
Our first session at THATCampCC 2017 was about Accessibility & Design Issues In Distance Learning Courses. The session was moderated by Walter Huttner in combination with some ideas I also proposed for a session.
- Simplicity is important…keep things on one page…
- Need to have specific directions…click here first…
- Could create video tutorials
- Perhaps a Blackboard shell to discuss various CMS issues for faculty?
- Colleges need to have a list for students of what they need to ACCESS (skills wise) a distance learning course
- Which is also an ADA/504 accessibility issue…for example, making sure you have a script for videos
- Weekly versus modular scheduling
- Discussion of making sure distance students get the same “first five minutes” info
THATCamp Community College 2017: Flipped Classroom and Technology
Our second session was moderated by Michelle Iden.
- Time management is huge issue in flipped classroom
- Make student notes the topic of classroom discussion
- Some discussion of how to teach hypertext fiction in the classroom
- could “flip” only one class per week…ask students what they want to “flip”
- How can flipped classrooms help to “unlearn”?
THATCamp Community College 2017: Using Twine & Other Games In The Classroom
This session was moderated by Jennifer Dellner
- During this session, a number of games were discussed including…
- Twine
- Grand Theft Persephone
- Depression Quest
- Some discussion of how to build a world within a game.
- Some discussion of sandbox video games like Dragon Quest Builders
- DHSI 2018
- Infinite Ulysses
In June, our Board of Trustees approved my promotion to Assistant Professor. I'm not sure who I "assist," but I am happy to have that happen.
Finally, I will be a real professor too since I have been told in the past that since I "only" (lol) have an MA, I'm not a "real professor."
Episode XLI: A "Travel" Themed Mix
Originally this episode was going to be a mix of my favorite airship themes, but I ended up expanding it to "travel" in general. I had a lot of fun putting together this episode! Our next episode will be out at the beginning of the month.
In this episode we play music from...
Super Mario Brothers 3
Wild Arms
Final Fantasy 4
Chrono Cross
Cosmic Star Heroine
I am streaming Monday-Thursday on Twitch. Monday nights is New Game Night. I am currently streaming Shadows of Adam around 8pm. Tuesdays I am streaming Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom around 7pm. Wednesday is a retro game of my choice around 8pm. Thursday is Final Fantasy IX around 7pm. Consider donating to our Extra Life charity drive. We are raising money for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
We are also on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. You can also download episodes from the Internet Archive.
Please consider becoming a Patron of the podcast. We recently updated our rewards page.