ThatCamp Digital Pedagogy: Quelling Digital Panic In The College Classroom

The first session I attended at ThatCamp Digital Pedagogy was about quelling digital panic in the college classroom. Here are my notes:

  • Almost every student has a smart phone.
  • How do we engage student in classroom with so many distractions?
  • Shared Google Docs are a possible solution, but I have had mixed results with them.
  • How do we get students to buy into doing shared notes?
  • What is role of learning disabilities in this panic?
  • Google Doc for digital behaviour norms in classroom on first day of class? Cool idea!
  • Texting/social media break midway through class?
  • How do we teach digital citizenship?
  • Have students research terms of service/privacy of social networks.
  • I could do an entire semester of ENG101 on this...
  • Shared class Tumblr.

ThatCamp Community College: The Key Technological Needs Of Community College Students

I will have a larger overview post up later when I have more time, but here are my notes from the first session at our first ThatCamp here at BCC:

  • How does texting in classroom change pedagogy?
  • How much of technological consumption is passive versus active? How does that change how students engage?
  • Should there be questions about the infallibility of the databases we expect our students to use?
  • Students need to know how to make a basic MLA paper template.
  • They also need to know how to backup their work. Where is that taught?
  • Should the MLA template be submitted and assessed? (This is a great idea)
  • What about accessibility issues?
  • Students need to know what a URL is!
  • There needs to be a logic to file naming for both professor and student.